In this course you will understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts and also understand implicit meanings. You will express yourself spontaneously and fluently, without having to search for words more clearly, using the language in social and professional life or in education and study effectively and flexibly. You will be able to articulate clearly, structurally and in detail on complex issues using appropriate means of textual linking having a wide range of resources from which you can select appropriate language to express yourself clearly and appropriately on a wide range of general, academic, professional or leisure topics, not in what you want to say to have to restrict. You can choose from a readily available repertoire of discourse tools a suitable phrase to adequately initiate your utterance when you want to speak or keep the word, or to skillfully link your own posts with those of other persons.
We are basically working in the 4 basic competences which are reading, writing, listening and speaking. All the material you need for the course you will get from us. In addition, we refer sometimes to effective links to established institutions for German as a foreign language, for example in the preparation of examinations or specific contents like listening comprehensions. Have a look at an example here
With a subscription you can download your respective chapters of your course material for one month. After 5 chapters you will practice your new skills in a 30 min. live session with a native speaker. The subscription will be extended automatically if you do not cancel it after 30 days.